Monthly Meeting 2019/2020      November 2019

Date: November 8th 2019 (Fri) 

Time: 17:00-20:00

Venue: Nakameguro Ambassadors' Residence, Reception Hall

Fee: 7,000yen for members, 8,000yen for guests

Learning about Nepal

The members of the Tokyo Women’s Club were honored to be given a great opportunity to learn about Nepal by H.E. Mrs. Prativa Rana, Ambassador of Nepal. Mr. Maharjan Naresh talked about the fascinating culture and nature of Nepal. Mr. Krishna Chandra Aryal, Deputy Chief of Mission / Minister counsellor, also gave us a welcome speech. The MC was Ms. Sawayanagi.

Thirty-seven ladies received a hearty welcome. Nepalese dinner was wonderful and doing a Nepalese dance with Mr. Naresh was great fun. 

Mr. Krishna Chandra Aryal

Ms. Sawayanagi

Mr. Maharjan Naresh