Monthly Meeting 2019/2020      December 2019

Date: December 2nd 2019 (Mon)

Time: 12:00-14:00

Venue: Cerulean Tower Tokyu Hotel, Ballroom (B2F)

 Fee: 9,000yen for members, 10,000yen for guests

Christmas Luncheon with Music of Cello by Mr. Nobuo Furukawa

At the Donation Ceremony of December Meeting, the Tokyo Women's Club presented a donation to Medical Mission Sisters. Sister Yumiko Nobue, who has been in mission in India, made an address.

The ceremony was followed by Cello Concert. Mr. Nobuo Furukawa selected a variety of beautiful music. Ms. Chinami Yamaguchi accompanied him on the piano. All the ladies were fascinated by their superb performance. Mr. Furukawa played one of "Cello Suites (Bach)" as an encore.  

Sister Yumiko Nobue

H.E. Mrs. Dace TREIJA-MASĪ, Ambassador of Latvia, proposed a toast for our Christmas Luncheon. We were also pleased to welcome H.E. Mrs. Ndiyoi MUTITI, Ambassador of Zambia, Mme. Manya Kostova, spouse of Ambassador of Bulgaria, and Mme. Matelda Starace, spouse of Ambassador of Italy. There were 72 attendees in all.





牛フィレ肉のロースト 日本のハーブ香る軽いムース


デリス ド ノエル 2019


総料理長 福田順彦
